Tuol Sleng

After April 17th 1975 Pol Pot turned this secondary school into a prison to be known as Security Office 21 “S-21”. The biggest in the Kampuchea democratic (Cambodia as it was known then). Once again thousands of victims were imprisoned and exterminated with their wives and children. Each prisoner was photographed on arrival, to ensure everyone was recorded should they escape.Read more

Phnom Penh here I come….

I’m losing track now of the days. So on Thursday I travelled from Battambang down to Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia. Hurrah. And I went in a luxurious mini bus, taking a mere 5 hours, and actually it was pretty good, apart from a baby throwing up over me and Wi fi not working for half the trip…pretty good! Had a bit of a catch up day today, lots of photo editing, and updating. Had a quick look around, itRead more

Wat ek Phnom

Here are some explanations of the Wat. “Situated about 10 km north of the Cobra Bridge are the ruins of Ek Phnom. It was built during the Bayon period and unfortunately is much worse for the wear than Phnom Banan.It?s an interesting place, however, because there is a freshly constructed working temple right in front of the ruins. This temple, along with the temple ruins, is the center of holiday festivities for the people of the nearby village. They dressRead more

Sticky rice and stinky fish paste

Next stop!! What a day and so much to see. Next we stopped of at a lady making sticky rice. this one with black beans. The rice is filled into Bamboo tubes, plugged in with coconut husks, and then cooked over Charcoal. Once done the lady then cut off the thicker part of the bamboo tube leaving a covering that would easily tear away. And very popular they were too…. Cutting the Bamboo Cooked over charcoal Now down the roadRead more

Cock and Fish fighting…..really!

So we all know about Cock fighting, it’s still a big sport here in Cambodia, although not strictly legal. Though I bet you haven’t heard of fish fighting !. Next stop was a local Rice wine producer, making the wine at his family home into which I was welcomed. And his hobby, yes fish fighting, well hobby yes, opportunity to make some quite good money too with the right fish..oh yes! The Betta splendens fish are grown in big vatsRead more

The well of Shadows

  Another example of the Khmer Rouge atrocities in Wat Somrong Knong, Read the text on the second picture. Bernie spoke about how his family had been affected. His mother and Father were sent to the rice fields, as were so many Cambodians to work hard and “make a better life”. This of course wasn’t the reality and it soon became clear that life was not better, if anything was said against the regime you would pay with your life.Read more

Two days in Battambang?

Did Battambang warrant two days?. I’m pleased to say yes it did! This is how the day looked. French Colonial houses  6.30 am Start with a walk to the river for sunrise, passing the French colonial houses from the early 1900’s, now adorned with todays, signs and neon.    Wat Samrong Knong 8.30 am pick up with Bernie, then to an area affected as many were by the Khmer rouge. Here is a description of its history. “Battambang is oneRead more

Organic Rat…..

Another great day. The bad news is I’m still updating yesterday! However a few things about today, not as long, but jam-packed. Everything from Sampling spring rolls and rice wine, cock fighting. ello!, oh and eating a rat. Maybe I’m mad?, it seemed like a good idea at the time, and actually it was very tasty!. Served in a marinated sauce with garlic, chillies, and numerous other ingredients, it wasn’t that far off chicken. I’m told it’s quite similar toRead more